Our attorneys and staff are very knowledgeable and compassionate. We will work closely with you and other professional advisors to develop a customized plan that truly meets your unique and individual needs.
An estate plan is an investment in your future and the future of your loved ones. Let us help you formulate an estate plan that ensures the right assets go to the right people.
Much more than just “making a Will or Trust,” Estate Planning is planning for the various stages of your life.
This is the legal process of transferring of property upon a person’s death. We can help you navigate this process with confidence.
Establishing a sound business succession plan is beneficial for all business owners.
The administration of trusts can be difficult to maneuver without guidance from experienced counsel. We help trustees, personal representatives, beneficiaries, heirs, creditors, and other fiduciaries in administrative matters.
At Swaim, Carlow & Ames, P.C., our attorneys can help you become appointed as guardian and/or conservator for your loved one, and we can advise you of your responsibilities to your loved one and to the court that appointed you to serve in this capacity for him or her.
We can help you prepare for the future. (505) 237-0064